Da es wohl bei einigen Unwuchten nach dem Update auf das letzte größere Release gab und das Update sicherheitsrelevant ist, gebe ich die Info hier kurz und schmerzlos weiter. Aus dem Changelog:

  • A security issue was fixed in the News module, upgrading ASAP is recommended
  • The installer was tweaked so that events are not fired during the install/upgrade process.
  • The installer was fixed to solve strange smarty errors related to {ldelim}lang_install{rdelim} on various PHP platforms.
  • The MenuManager was tweaked to handle the number_of_levels parameter better.
  • Default MenuManager templates were changed to better handle „number_of_levels=n“ in conjunction with „collapse=1“
  • TinyMCE was improved to use the GetURL() method (so that it handles the page_url field in edit content)

der Rest steht in ganzer Länge im CMSms Blog