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Schlagwort: McLuhan

"link" by Alex Eylar @ Flickr (c) CC-By-NC-SA

Links: TV-Abgesang, Vocer, free your metadata, DDJ Resourcen, Graphinsight

"link" by Alex Eylar @ Flickr (c) CC-By-NC-SA

"link" by Alex Eylar @ Flickr (c) CC-By-NC-SA

Es ist viel zu lange her, dass es an dieser Stelle Linktipps gab. Die meisten davon finden auch nur noch auf Google+ und Twitter statt. Wer also schneller informiert sein möchte, kann ja mal da vorbeischauen.

Links: Googles Python Anfängerkurs, Firefox 4 Visualisierungen, Data Science Toolkit, RSS Tuning, McLuhan

"link" by Alex Eylar @ Flickr (c) CC-By-NC-SA

"link" by Alex Eylar @ Flickr (c) CC-By-NC-SA

Nach viel zu langer Funkstille mal wieder Links – die jetzt übrigens auch so heißen oder alternativ auch keinen Titel tragen werden. Das „Lesenswert“ im Titel der alten Linklisten bleibt, klingt mir aber irgendwie mittlerweile zu verschwurbelt. Hier gibt’s also ab sofort harte Fremdfakten im Linkbett 🙂

Marc Surman: McLuhan Lecture auf der Transmediale 2011

Kurzer medientheoretisch-netzpolitischer Zwischenruf: Auf der kürzlich zu Ende gegangenen Transmedial in Berlin sprach Mark Surman, Geschäftsführer der Mozilla Foundation, über die Bedeutung des offenen Netzes. Der knapp 45-minütige Vortrag ist nun online verfügbar.

transmediale Marshall McLuhan Lecture 2011 by Mark Surman, Mozilla Foundation from transmediale.

Über den Sprecher:

Mark Surman is one of the world’s leading proponents for open technologies and the development of a truly Open Net. His very business is that of connecting things: people, ideas, everything. As a community technology activist for over 20 years, Mark focuses on inventing new ways to promote openness, opportunity, and freedom on the Internet, for which Mozilla, Drumbeat, his international ‚open everything‘ conversations and summits are but a few of the platforms manifesting his vision and goals. Together with transmediale, Mark and Drumbeat introduced the first ever Open Web Award

Über den Vortrag:

Marshall McLuhan helped us imagine a global village over 40 years ago. Now we live in this village everyday. It’s not only mediated and connected, but also shaped by ideas about freedom and openness that we could barely have imagined in the era of television and gas guzzling automobiles. Taking a tour from McLuhan to free software pioneer Richard Stallman and Tim Berners Lee, Mozilla’s Mark Surman reflects on what the global village we’re all building together can be in this era defined by the web

(via Netzpolitik)

Lesenswert: Gridworks alias Refine, World Bank Open Data, NY Times Infografiken, Medium = Message, LOD

Linking Open Data Diagramm

Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch. (CC-BY-SA)

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